New member!! Switching from a BB Storm to the Droid and couldn't be happier :o)


New Member
Feb 24, 2010
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My droid is supposed to arrive tomorrow, and I am *trying* to patiently wait. I had originally planned to stay in the BB family mainly because of BBM. After reading so many positive experiences with the droid, I am having little (to no) regrets in saying goodbye to my Storm. For those of you who are former Storm owners like myself, I'm sure you'll agree that that BB is the biggest piece of S that I have ever come across. Everything about that phone sucks, and I cannot wait to have a function and fabulous new phone, FINALLY.

I'm excited! Let me know if anyone has any suggestions on cool/fun apps!

mixedterp05 :heart:
I am a former BB user (Curve and Storm), and my daughter and her finace have the new BB Tours. Besides BBM with them, there's nothing I miss about the BB now that I have the Droid. I think you'll find the same thing. Welcome to DF also.
Every day I see more and more Storm to Droid converts, and I think it's mainly because how much of a flop the Storm was, it's so memory sensitive, and is an absolute putz at managing its own resources.

But beyond that, the features suck for a smartphone, web browsing is cumbersome, and the OS itself feels like it's dated. I did make due with it for a year as well, but I've left 40 BBM buddies behind (including my fiance) and I don't mind it one bit.