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New Member
Feb 14, 2012
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Hello All!
My name is Utah. I work as a merchandiser and play on computers. I enjoy people and working with them. Like taking pictures and reading. I run GNU/Linux on my computers. Married for 31 yrs. Have 3 Sons and 4 Grands.
I have had my DX2 for 2 months and love it. I have already rooted and ssh my phone thanks to the people on this forum. I hope to learn more and be able to help other. I want flash rom but little nervous about doing it.
Look foreword to getting too know others.
Thanks: Utah:biggrin:
Welcome to Droid Forums utah!! :biggrin:
Hello and welcome to the forum!
Welcome to the board!

Flashing a ROM can be nerve racking but once you flash the first phone it's cake from there.
Hello all I'm new here, I love to play PC games a lot... and love to interact with new people so i'm here.
welcome to the forum

-AqworldThunder ;) ^…^ ¶.¶ *.* Thank me if i helped please!