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New Member
Apr 2, 2010
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Hello All,

My name is Rick and I live in San Diego. Got the Motorola Droid the day they first came out and I love it.

My wife and I are both in real estate and are constantly searching for related apps.

Look forward to sharing info with all of you.

Welcome, Rick F! We're so happy you and your wife have decided to join us! So make yourself at home, and jump right in! You'll find that everyone on this forum is very friendly and here to help and learn! And remember if you get stuck, just post a question - someone will be along to help you out! Hope you both enjoy your time here with us!


Welcome! Glad you joined us. It site is comparable to your weather ---- FANTASTIC!


I appreciate the welcome. I am hoping someone can help me find an ap the mimics Intenet Explorer. My wife and I are both in real estate and would like to be able to access the multiple listing service (mls), but it only works with IE 7 or higher.
Not sure if either of these would work but check-- Dolphin and Opera mini.

Hello to All

Thanks to all of you for the welcome. I hope you all have gottent the 2.1 upgrade, it is really an improvement.
Welcome! I'm new to the site to! I live in Ridgecrest CA. and I got the Droid in Feb this year. We travel a lot to LA and other surrounding areas so it was the best choice for the hubs and I. I DID love my phone for the first 30 days, but after the "if you don't like it return it" plan was up (through Verizon) I have been having problem after problem with my phone and no one can seem to fix it. My phone is still running old software, it will not update even by manually doing it. Everything is slow, even my camera...

Thankfully, I got the insurance on it when I bought it. So I am having a new one sent to me. I should get it Tuesday. Hopefully I wont have anymore problems with it and it will already have the long awaited update...
I rooted my phone in February and in March switched to a 2.1 version of Bugless Beast so I've been running a 2.1 version since then.
