New Razor Maxx


New Member
Feb 8, 2010
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I am getting my new Razor Maxx delvered tomrrow, please tell me the best way to move all my unpaid apps over to the new phone from my Droid X. Do I move everything on the SD card and then put the old Sd card into the new phone ? Thanks for reading and helping.
Congrats on the Maxx!!

If you use the same Google Account when you set up your phone, your apps should automatically download / restore in the market. They have improved this functionality - just make sure that you select "keep device backed up with Google" during the setup process and use the same Google account that you have purchased the apps with on your X...

Thanks for the help Small town girl

Congrats on the Maxx!!

If you use the same Google Account when you set up your phone, your apps should automatically download / restore in the market. They have improved this functionality - just make sure that you select "keep device backed up with Google" during the setup process and use the same Google account that you have purchased the apps with on your X...