New Rumor Suggests Android Silver is Permanently Dead


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

According to the latest intel, the rumored Android Silver program is probably a completely dead project. This isn't the first time we have heard rumors that the Android Silver project would never see the light of day, but this intel seems to go into more detail as to why.

Here's a quote with the explanation,

...Android Silver is probably dead. The project was being pushed by former Googler Nikesh Arora, but now that he is gone the project has been scrapped. The Information goes on to explain that the project was never fully embraced by Google, and carriers and OEMs were very skeptical. Now that Arora is gone there is no one pushing the idea.

When you think about it, this actually makes sense. There is really nothing wrong with Google's Nexus program. The Android Silver program would simply have added unnecessary complication to an already crowded mobile market. Sometimes having too many options can be too confusing for consumers.

Source: Phandroid
It would have been better to be able to have a flagship from every OEM to tout as a Nexus. I was looking forward to this.