New Samsung Patent Suggests Foldable Tablet/Phone Hybrid Coming Next Year


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Samsung has a new patent, and there are some rumors floating around that they already have a device planned for next year using it. It's for a foldable tablet/smartphone hybrid. It is basically just like it sounds and appears in the picture above. A tablet using flexible display tech folds up into a smartphone that you can carry with you.


Supposedly, the tablet will have an 8 to 9-inch OLED full HD display, but can be folded twice to miniaturize it. Here's a quote with a few more details,

Okay, but when we’ll we see such a product released commercially? Prototypes of the device are already said to exist, with the company working hard to take things to the next (commercial oriented) stage. If all goes as planned, such a product could allegedly make its way to the market in early 2015.

Of course even if it debuts in early 2015 we imagine such a device will initially be very costly and will probably be limited to South Korea and a few other select marks — just like with the first-gen Galaxy Round. It’s also unclear how well Android would work with such a design either and Samsung would likely need to custom-tailor a few of its apps to best take advantage of the folding design.

What do you think? Could this concept be the ultimate evolution of the mobile smart-device?

Source: AndroidAuthority
Here's a cool video with some intriguing ideas which are likely coming in the future with flexible display tech:
