New Site Lists More Than 1000 OK Google Commands


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Oct 6, 2011
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Kids are funny. My daughter and I have found ourselves playing with OK Google for hours. Mostly asking it to translate various funny things into different languages. My daughter has actually had full on conversations with Siri. These voice command apps are becoming pretty powerful tools. OK Google can double as a personal assistant these days. Just ask him to save a reminder, find the weather or set a timer and you will see what I mean.

As powerful as OK Google is have you ever wondered just what all can it really do? A new site just popped up that archives just about every possible OK Google command. Right now it has over 1000 commands with more than 150 voice commands. Commands you may not have thought about before like "set brightness to maximum" or "set volume to full". For now this is the most comprehensive voice command list. Head to the link below to check it out.

Now this is neat. Any time I can find out more about how I can better use my phone for purposes daily and attain better productivity. I'm going to have fun with this one. You all should take a look at this. I use OK Google already but only for a few basic commands. I find that using it is helpful but I can only remember so many commands. I'll have to practice with more to use them effectively.
"OK Google, what are the lottery numbers for tonight's drawing". Still doesn't work right.

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Very very neat!!

Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
Very cool! I was just thinking that I needed to see what else it can do that I've forgotten or didn't know. Like the layout of the page as well. Seems like it'd be easy to search if you were curious about a specific ability.
Very cool! I was just thinking that I needed to see what else it can do that I've forgotten or didn't know. Like the layout of the page as well. Seems like it'd be easy to search if you were curious about a specific ability.
Oh hey I know you!!...

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That doesn't mean anything.... I've heard some girly dudes...

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So have I, but she's definitely a lady. Maybe a man transitioning to a lady who's started hormone-therapy, but a lady for sure.
So have I, but she's definitely a lady. Maybe a man transitioning to a lady who's started hormone-therapy, but a lady for sure. ok then!

Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
Most of the Easter eggs didn't work for me.

Okay Jarvis? What does that do?

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