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Apr 13, 2010
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Hello, Droid forums :d.
I guess i'll introduce myself and the reason I'm here...
Im Jwlk :D
The reason I'm here is because, while i've had my droid for about 3 months, i realized i haven't been using it to its fullest capabilities.... At all. i though i knew everything about the droid, until a classmate of mine got the droid, and after one week his looked so different, in a good way, that i didn't believe they were separate phones. So i went searching, and found this place.
Also, i have a question i want to ask, i don't know if i'm aloud to ask it here, but i have a thing about customizing my things (laptops, gaming console, etc..) and want to find out how to make my droid look good, so i can take pride in my phone ;). (not that i don't love it already :icon_ banana:)
Hello, Droid forums :d.
I guess i'll introduce myself and the reason I'm here...
Im Jwlk :D
The reason I'm here is because, while i've had my droid for about 3 months, i realized i haven't been using it to its fullest capabilities.... At all. i though i knew everything about the droid, until a classmate of mine got the droid, and after one week his looked so different, in a good way, that i didn't believe they were separate phones. So i went searching, and found this place.
Also, i have a question i want to ask, i don't know if i'm aloud to ask it here, but i have a thing about customizing my things (laptops, gaming console, etc..) and want to find out how to make my droid look good, so i can take pride in my phone ;). (not that i don't love it already :icon_ banana:)

Welcome, jwlk! You'll find this to be a very friendly place full of great people and information! Are you stock? Have you checked out Helix Launcher (not HL 2) in the Market? It will give you up to seven screens and live wallpapers. And it's free!
Hope you enjoy your time here! :welcome:

Hello, Droid forums :d.
I guess i'll introduce myself and the reason I'm here...
Im Jwlk :D
The reason I'm here is because, while i've had my droid for about 3 months, i realized i haven't been using it to its fullest capabilities.... At all. i though i knew everything about the droid, until a classmate of mine got the droid, and after one week his looked so different, in a good way, that i didn't believe they were separate phones. So i went searching, and found this place.
Also, i have a question i want to ask, i don't know if i'm aloud to ask it here, but i have a thing about customizing my things (laptops, gaming console, etc..) and want to find out how to make my droid look good, so i can take pride in my phone ;). (not that i don't love it already :icon_ banana:)

Welcome, jwlk! You'll find this to be a very friendly place full of great people and information! Are you stock? Have you checked out Helix Launcher (not HL 2) in the Market? It will give you up to seven screens and live wallpapers. And it's free!
Hope you enjoy your time here! :welcome:

Thank you for the welcome... and yes i had just downloaded the HelixLauncher today, and didn't see any new wall papers, (but i didn't check in the live section) and i wanted to do some more research about it before i did anything extra, so i uninstalled it for now...
While im at it... can anyone tell me if the droid marketplace is kind of the same as the ipod touch? what i mean by this is that if there is one app that you pay for, there is a similar app that you can get for free. my brother tells me he does this all the time for his ipod, and i don't really have that much money to spend for apps, so i wanted to conserve it for something really recommended. i ask this because i saw a droid phone with the widget 'beautiful widgets' and it had the flip clock and weather, and i thought that was pretty cool. i looked for it in the market, and i don't remember the price, but i was wondering if there was any other app on the market that did that for free?
thanks for the help :D
:welcome: to the forum jwlk! We're very happy to have you join us :D
Welcome.. I'm like you - new to the forum and I am all about customizing all of my tech, and have similar questions.. any other guidance from the droid-heads??
Haha, thanks for the welcome :D You can learn alot from reading through the forums, i know alot more then i did about my phone then when i just got it