New to Forum


New Member
Apr 2, 2011
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Hello to all,

I am new to the forum and Droid. I switched from a BB to a Droid. Currently I have a refurbished/replacement original A855 I purchased off ebay to see how I like the Droid platform and use until my contract with Verizon is up in October. I found the forum while searching the net and already found it useful in changing the locked screen message. Look forward to looking at the site.
Welcome to the site! If you have any questions post and someone will answer. You can also pm me if you would like with anything :)
Welcome to the forums! You will find many people here very experienced and willing to help you out. Make sure to ask a ton of questions. I visit several times a day and learn tons from others questions. I guarantee you are going to love your Droid. Its going to be hard to replace. I've had mine for almost two years now and don't really want to replace it. Enjoy!

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums
Thanks for the welcome, Hawaiian Princess! How do you like the Xoom? I was playing with it at Best Buy and it seemed really nice!
hi...i got the wifi and I love it. I haven't rooted it, no need for it. my Global is rooted and its what I tether my Xoom too. its light weight, does what I need to do with my home business and work business. I love it. transferring via bluetooth is no problem.
sorry for the delay, painting the damn house. Lol

Aloha from Hawaii...
I really liked it. Just the right size, a little smaller than the iPad, but larger than the Samsung. I think I would go with just the Wi-Fi model myself. Happy painting!
oh ur gonna enjoy it more when u take it home. haven't transferred movies yet, gonna wait till the sd card is available. for now just using mt office docs to transfer in between work and the Xoom. oh best thing about it, the battery life is awesome. got mine at BB for $427 including tax. all because my silver premiere has so much certificates so I used $200 worth of it

Aloha from Hawaii...