New to Forums and DROID


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Mar 9, 2010
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Hello all,

My name is Rawson. I'm from San Diego and I've had my droid for about a month. I'm still learning about all the features and have a few questions on some of the full capabilities of this phone.

Anyways, this seems like the place to get help and where people will actually know what they're talking about.

Rawson, welcome to DF, you did find a great site here with friendly people and all the answers to your questions. Glad you found us here.
Hello all,

My name is Rawson. I'm from San Diego and I've had my droid for about a month. I'm still learning about all the features and have a few questions on some of the full capabilities of this phone.

Anyways, this seems like the place to get help and where people will actually know what they're talking about.

whats up ? ya anyone here will help you whats your question?
Well i already got one answered :)

But i have a friend with a different smart phone (can't remember which one it is) but he was able to make it into a WAP; meaning when we were in the mountiains he was able to hook his computer up to his phone and get internet access on his computer. There was no internet access otherwise, just the 3g from his phone. It basically became a router.

Does anyone know how to do this, my friend said he had a buddy do it for him. Thanks
welcome bro, the information here is deep, enjoy! See ya around...
Welcome, Rawson! Glad to have you with us! Make yourself at home and jump right in! Everyone is here to help and learn! Reading the threads on the forum will only increase how much you enjoy that new Droid! The possibilities for customization are endless!

What you're talking about in Droid speak is called tethering. There are apps that can accomplish this if you aren't rooted. Do a search (above) for tether or tethering and I'll bet you come up with a thousand threads. Happy Droiding!

Well i already got one answered :)

But i have a friend with a different smart phone (can't remember which one it is) but he was able to make it into a WAP; meaning when we were in the mountiains he was able to hook his computer up to his phone and get internet access on his computer. There was no internet access otherwise, just the 3g from his phone. It basically became a router.

Does anyone know how to do this, my friend said he had a buddy do it for him. Thanks
what do you mean internet tethering ? i would recomend easy tether in the market?