New to the Forum


New Member
Feb 2, 2010
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I am new to the forum. I want to learn all I can about my Droid. I have never had a phone that I have used more than my Droid. It is Awesome!!
I have had a couple of issues,however. Sometimes I get an error message "cannot connect to server" on my MS Exchange account:icon_evil:. Usually doesn't last long but is annoying. Lately my wi-fi will say it is connected but will freeze and do nothing. I have to go back to 3-G. Not terrible but again...........annoying.:mad:
Welcome, firebugmedic!
I'm no expert, but I have two Exchange email accounts on my Droid for work and get that message every once in a while. Only on one account, but not both. It is weird, but like you said, it goes away quickly. You're going to love it here, everyone is great.