New To The Forum!

Chief Ba

New Member
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Upper Pennisula Michigan
Hi, my name is Amanda. I've had my droid since December, but never knew there was a forum. I'm hoping to find lots of useful information about my droid.
Hi, my name is Amanda. I've had my droid since December, but never knew there was a forum. I'm hoping to find lots of useful information about my droid.

Welcome, Amanda! Glad you found us! This place is full of friendly folks and great information. So just look around and make yourself at home! You'll be amazed how much you can learn by reading the threads here on the forum! If you get stuck, just post a question and someone will be along to help you out. Enjoy!

If you are looking for info about your Droid and how to use it...DF is the place for you. Glad you found us and hope you enjoy yourself here.
Thank you both for your warm welcomes. Its weird coming to a new forum, (I used to be a moderator on the Blackberry forum). Time to start all over again, and learn the ways of a new phone.
Hi, my name is Amanda. I've had my droid since December, but never knew there was a forum. I'm hoping to find lots of useful information about my droid.

Surprise! We are here, we are here! You're gonna love this place, welcome aboard.