Newby says hello


New Member
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Hello All,

My name is Cat and I have a Motorola Droid Razr Maxx that has just been upgraded with the new system. I am still working my way around that change, it was like getting another new phone, not just an upgrade, and having to re-learn the phone all over again. But I do like some of the new bells and whistles... :icon_ lala:

A little about me: Frankly I do not keep up on the latest and greatest when it comes to cell phones. I held onto my LG Envy original (which could still pass as near new) until I purchased my first new smart phone in May 2012. I like to get my money's worth, and use each cell phone until I find they must be replaced. Thus the reason I need a good forum of cell phone experts to guide me with my new cell phone questions. The techie world changes so fast, so it is great to have a forum of pros to guide the way! Hopefully I will become savvy enough to help others before long :) Anyhow, Nice to meet everyone! I am very happy to be here, and happier that you're all here as guides ;) Thank you!:biggrin:
Welcome to the forums. I do not know how many "experts" you will find here, but tech savvy there are plenty.

Have fun, and use your phone to the maximum potential!

Sent from my rooted DROID 2! Much thanks to phifc from rootzwiki for the 2.3.4 .621 root!
Welcome to Droid Forums Cat!! Thank you for signing up!! :biggrin:
Hello and welcome aboard Cat :)
Hello and welcome to the forum Cat!! Jump in & enjoy!!
Welcome Cat! Jump in, ask questions and make the most of your new Razr. Believe it or not, being new to smart phones, you will discover things we missed and be quiding us just as well! Great to have you aboard!
welcome Cat . glad you decided to join us