Nexus on white colors


Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
Looks like faint lines on display screen ?? Similar lines noticing in lighting on Droid x2 and bionic what is it Jw any ideals

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Looks like faint lines on display screen ?? Similar lines noticing in lighting on Droid x2 and bionic what is it Jw any ideals

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

I can see faint lines on solid bright colors like white or light grey as well. I figured it's because of the Amoled screen, and respective of the technology.
I can see faint lines on solid bright colors like white or light grey as well. I figured it's because of the Amoled screen, and respective of the technology.

Turn up the screen brightness a little and the lines will go away. if I go below 40%ish brightness I start seeing them. Luckily im one of the few that likes a bright screen on a phone so im usually around 70% most of the time. I have the 2100 extended battery so i like to think that it evens out to me having a 1850 with normal usage. If i plan on gaming and going to be on a bus or something i will turn the brightness down to 40% thought....

Its a beautiful display at 70% :) anything brighter hurts my eyes. LOL! DancingNexusDancingNexus