Nexus setting for best battery life


Dec 26, 2011
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So I wanted to get a census or what apps you use to optimize your nexus and what settings have given you the best battery life. I find light surfing and calls with exchange mail running nets me about 8 hours. What are some tweaks t have netted you the greatest gain

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juice defender app has helped my nexus last a lot longer. I use the "balanced" profile but you can customize.
I heard juice defender helps, but I don't use it.

I'm running Android Revolution and use No Frills. That's about it in terms of battery saving
Battery Defender works pretty well for me. Being that unwanted data sending is what kills my battery most it has a simple option to turn off data 5 minutes after the screen shuts off.

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Disable Google+ if you don't use it. That seems to make a fairly decent difference.
so I installed juice defender and im 8 hours in with over half my battery and light use on balanced mode.

Been connected to wifi most of the day. Can someone give me an idea of what balanced mode is doing behind the scenes?? Seems like my data connection is always connected but maybe its doing g something behind the scenes when the screens off.

Juice defender shows a red dot which means all connections are off however I am still connected to wifi and can still surf net. What a going on?

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