Nexus slow down? Anyone experience?


Dec 26, 2011
Reaction score
Does anyone here reboot there nexus every so often?

Reason I ask is I have been using it pretty frequently the past to days, playing games, surfing net, emailing, watching videos, installing things and uninstalling others. All multitasking and switching constantly.

Tonight I noticed a lag when opening a new program or using the quick switch tab to run a cached program. Things just don't seem as instantanous as they usually are. Even typing this seems a little more laggy than usual
Any suggestions? Do these phones ever need a defrag or is there a temp / cache folder that fills up
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I have not had any problems with the phone slowing down. However, Franco's kernals probably have a LOT to do with it!
I am running stock

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I have to reboot once in a while. It appears to actually help. Occasionally everything seems to slow down. I am running Crossbreed by Droid Th3ory and it uses Francos kernel.

To the guy who says he is running stock...thank you for the assistance. You brought forth such excellent info we all should try on our devices.

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I sense some sarcasm. Ohh wait.. what do we have here. that guy who posted he is running stock is the same guy who posted the thread. Furthermore he was replying to the poster above him who mentioned a certain kernal causing slowdown.

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I did run a small test, I left my Nexus on for 12 days and did notice a slowdown. A reboot made it nice and smooth again.
I sense some sarcasm. Ohh wait.. what do we have here. that guy who posted he is running stock is the same guy who posted the thread. Furthermore he was replying to the poster above him who mentioned a certain kernal causing slowdown.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

^Awesome response to someone who didn't bother reading the entire thread :)

I don't have a nexus but I've realized with my DROID x and friends phones that a reboot always helps speed things up.

"A reboot a day keeps the lag at bay"

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Sorry for the flac your taking OP, some people are over the top! Anyways, I agree that a reboot definitely seems to help a bit. Its just like a PC, constantly let it run and it slows n lags, reboot is the medicine. Everybody else just relax a little bit!
My bust dude. I should have been sleeping instead d posting and I jumped the gun on my statement. I was not paying attention and I am sorry for being stupid.

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My bust dude. I should have been sleeping instead d posting and I jumped the gun on my statement. I was not paying attention and I am sorry for being stupid.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

Its cool. I do the same **** all the time. Love when I'm up for my turn to take a friendly jab

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