NFL Mobile: Update


Super Mod/News Team
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Jan 27, 2010
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Lafayette Hill, Pa
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HTC One M8
Ok.. users with a 3g phone will be able to use the NFL Mobile App free until Oct 1st. (Will have to subscribe for premium content after that date)

Users on a 4G LTE phone will receive the 2011/2012 Season Premium Content free starting September 30th.

And it only took me an hour on the phone with Verizon to get that info....deep breath..

Which is still going back on their word, when they said back in April that if you downloaded the app by March, you would receive this season free regardless of what phone you were on, seeing as there were no 4g phones in April.
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i have a nfl app question for you to ask, next time youre on the phone for a few hours lol.

for us older grandfathered in nfl app guys. like i have video for free on my droid 1 because i downloaded it back when it was free. now my question is, when i upgrade phones in a few months cause my 2year is up. will i lose this perk for being one of the first to dl? i'd hate to give up my free nfl network channel on my phone. makes it worse that my cable company doesn't even carry the channel. so i find myself watching the Thursday night games and stuff on my phone lol.
i have a nfl app question for you to ask, next time youre on the phone for a few hours lol.

for us older grandfathered in nfl app guys. like i have video for free on my droid 1 because i downloaded it back when it was free. now my question is, when i upgrade phones in a few months cause my 2year is up. will i lose this perk for being one of the first to dl? i'd hate to give up my free nfl network channel on my phone. makes it worse that my cable company doesn't even carry the channel. so i find myself watching the Thursday night games and stuff on my phone lol.

Well if you get a 4g lte phone you should be good and it comes pre-installed..
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but only for a season..

guess it doesn't really matter because i am hoping to get a 4g phone. just wondering if anyone knew thou.
The free live video for those who downloaded the app when it was first released in early 2010 (before July 22nd 2010) were only guaranteed it for the first season. Verizon stated from day 1 that the free live video would only be good through the 2010 season but did not know what or if they would start charging afterwards. When the update of July 22, 2010 was released Verizon stated that there would be a charge for live video, but those who downloaded before that date would get it free for that season only. Therefore, those of us who were early adopters do not get anymore free live video than anyone else for this season.

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hmmm well thats not cool. so i should lose my video on this phone soon?
They are giving everyone it free through September 31st. After that they may begin charging again.

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I edited my first post to add specific details I neglected previously.

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4g phones get the premium video free all season. Not sure if you have to be on 4g at the time or if it will work with a 4g device on wifi. I guess we will have to wait until later to see.

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Ok.. users with a 3g phone will be able to use the NFL Mobile App free until Oct 1st. (Will have to subscribe for premium content after that date)

Users on a 4G LTE phone will receive the 2011/2012 Season Premium Content free starting September 30th.

And it only took me an hour on the phone with Verizon to get that info....deep breath..

Which is still going back on their word, when they said back in April that if you downloaded the app by March, you would receive this season free regardless of what phone you were on, seeing as there were no 4g phones in April.

I just reread the Verizon press release from April 15, 2011. They stated that those who download the app will get free premium features until September 1st, 2011. Verizon is going back on their word by giving it to everyone for an extra month.

Also the Thunderbolt was out in March and it is a 4g phone.

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I just reread the Verizon press release from April 15, 2011. They stated that those who download the app will get free premium features until September 1st, 2011. Verizon is going back on their word by giving it to everyone for an extra month.

Also the Thunderbolt was out in March and it is a 4g phone.

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The early adapters, like you mentioned, were supposed to get premium content for the whole season, regardless if you were 4g or 3g.
The early adapters, like you mentioned, were supposed to get premium content for the whole season, regardless if you were 4g or 3g.

Maybe so, but I never saw a press release stating that... But I may have missed something. Please send me the right direction to a 2011 press release by Verizon stating that fact and I will happily admit I am wrong. I looked through Verizon's press release archives and did not see it, but may have overlooked it. I will check it again later.

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Maybe so, but I never saw a press release stating that... But I may have missed something. Please send me the right direction to a 2011 press release by Verizon stating that fact and I will happily admit I am wrong. I looked through Verizon's press release archives and did not see it, but may have overlooked it. I will check it again later.

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I don't know where it is posted now, I just remember it... I'll try and find the old thread from back then.
So how do they charge you? Automatically??

No, when the time comes, and you launch the nfl app you will be prompted to subscribe to the premium service, which I believe is an option, meaning I believe you will still be able to use the app, just not premium content.