no sound on videos


New Member
Nov 8, 2009
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How do I get sound on my videos I took on my old phone and transfered to the droid? The vidoe pic is good just. No sound. Little help please
Interesting comment. I had that issue on my Mac, when I imported video from my old HTC PPC-6800. I think there was a Codecs issue, if I remember correctly.

I also noticed that there were issues between filenames called MP4, or M4P... not sure if this is the same kind of thing, though.

What I did was choose different programs to open those files. For instance, Quicktime never did open some files correctly, and I used a host of others MPlayer for one, but that was for my Mac. Not sure how to advise you since I'm a novice with Droid, and I have not even tried this yet.

Edited: I messed up on my details. I ran into issues when I moved old video from my Cingular 8125 to my Mac, and then when I used the PPC 6800 also on my Mac. I was using a Windows Mobile file on a Mac, and it did create problems (video, once from portrait -> landscape, flipped back, and when there was sound on the mobile phone, there was none on my Mac - until I used a third-party program).
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I believe you have the same issue I had... I think its a conversion issue.
Use Doubletwist. It converts as it loads on the phone.
Works great.