Normal Battery Life


New Member
Jan 2, 2010
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Is this normal battery life?

I charged the phone last night before going to bed (unplugging it before bed).

Call Log since I charged it:
Outgoing: 17 minutes
Incoming: 11 Minutes

(maybe 5-10 emails/sms messages)

Battery Use (I know it doesnt add up to 100%)
Voice Calls: 89%
Display: 6%
Cell Standby: 3%
Phone Idle: 2%
Android 2%

It died on my while I was talking to my girlfriend after work around 5:30. So I didnt even get a full day out of it. :9

Is this normal or am I just used to my blackberry that gets a few days before I half to charge it.
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I've had no issues with battery life but I noticed similar results only today. It seemed that my wi-fi was stuck in a "stopping" mode which must have been killing the battery even though it did not show up in the battery info.
I had a normal day today, I spoke on the phone sent out about 100 emails and sent about 50 sms, I played a game on the phone for 20 minutes and I surfed the internet for an hour.

My battery is currently at 40% and it has been unplugged for 10 hours and 15 minutes.
  • Voice Calls 29% (21 minutes of phone use)
    [*]28% Display
    [*]10% Idle
    [*]9% Cell Standby
    [*]7% Android System
I have had very similar results. I unplugged my phone at 1pm to day and at 4pm it was at 60%. I only sent about 3 emails and 15 text messages. I think I am taking it to a local store. I asked a VZW rep and he talked to the techs there and no one has had any kind of issues like I have experienced. I have tried everything from uninstalling most of my apps and my home screen but nothing helps. I think I have a bad phone or bad battery.
Same again for me today. 4 hours of use, no calls, maybe 30 minutes browsing and email, down to 50%. This was not happening earlier in the week. Battery Use reports 50% of the usage was Display but that really doesn't tell you anything helpful.
Weird... Yesterday, I had 17 minutes of calls, and 2 texts, plus a couple of small things I had to look up on the web-browser, which only took a minute or two...

It was unplugged for over 22 hours, and it was reading 70% available battery when I went to bed last night.

It's just so weird that different people can have such different experiences with the same phone.
I'm having different experiences with the same phone on different days :)

I also forgot to mention that the phone is unusually warm today.

I think different apps etc. could explain the usage but non of them are showing up in the battery use area. To claim that the display is using 60% of the battery when I've only had it turned on for about 30 minutes is clearly not accurate. Something else is going on.
I'm having different experiences with the same phone on different days :)

I also forgot to mention that the phone is unusually warm today.

I think different apps etc. could explain the usage but non of them are showing up in the battery use area. To claim that the display is using 60% of the battery when I've only had it turned on for about 30 minutes is clearly not accurate. Something else is going on.

Well, it's not accurate in the sense that it obviously hasn't used 60% of your battery life.

But I think it is accurate to say that, of the battery life that has been used up since you unplugged it from the charger, 60% of it went to the Display. I think that's how you're supposed to read those stats...
Laurence, what you say is how it's supposed to be but it simply cannot be true. How since 25% of my total battery life is used today by 30 minutes of screen time, but only 10% of total battery life last week then something else has to be running that is not being correctly detected by the battery use monitors.
Laurence, what you say is how it's supposed to be but it simply cannot be true. How since 25% of my total battery life is used today by 30 minutes of screen time, but only 10% of total battery life last week then something else has to be running that is not being correctly detected by the battery use monitors.

Hmmm... Possibly true -- maybe there's a bug in the battery-monitoring software...
For me "cell standby" and "phone idle" use a TON of battery life =\

On the weekends is when it's most annoying because I don't typically connect it to a charger during the day like I do at work. But I'll wake up between 8 and 9am and most of the time by 12am my phone is in the red and on the virge of shutting off. This is with GPS off, WiFi off, and screen on the lowest brightness setting. I'll check the battery usage when this happens and "cell standby" will be like 60% of the battery life with "phone idle" another 20-30%.

I've read before and think the culprit really is the signal strength. While I don't actually use the phone much during these periods (1 voice call max and maybe a couple texts), I do get a lot of email updates. Outside of that the only apps that would be updating would be weather bug and sportstap. I do notice at home that I typically only have 2-3 bars of service and even dropping to 1 bar and 1x at times.

Moral of the story is not so perfect signal = terrible battery life. That's at least what I'm chalking it up to. I'm eagerly awaiting an extended life battery.
Moral of the story is not so perfect signal = terrible battery life. That's at least what I'm chalking it up to. I'm eagerly awaiting an extended life battery.

This is very true -- the way CDMA works, the farther away you are from the nearest tower, the more battery-life you're going to use, even when you're not actively using the phone... That really must be the explanation for all the different experiences that people have...
I have got 3 days out of my droid before but I turn off wireless when I'm not home. I don't have any stats to post but it seems your not getting your full batt. charge.

Do you turn off your wireless when not being used? it takes a LOT of batt. to run on all the time.

Maybe off network (don't know just throwing out idea's) it seems your in call time is WAY high (power wise) for normal usage. 89% GEEEESH!!!
I don't use wireless at all.

I honesty have a tough time believing that you get 3 days battery if you are using the phone at all, even the tests at PhoneArena and the like came nowhere near that on their extended battery life tests.
Came off the charger friday morning before work and didn't go back on untill sunday night. I didn't use it much correct but I used it as I normaly do. Even updated apps. It went off sunday night I put it on the charger and let it charge completly Didn't put it back on the charger untill Tue. and it wasn't dead yet (I'm guessing it had 20% give or take). I keep wireless and blue tooth off most of the time.