Not Really New, Just Nver Bothered Posting...


New Member
Nov 14, 2009
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
Hi Everyone,

I'm not really new, I joined about a week after the Droid came out. I kinda looked around at other forums and settled here. I never really bothered posting until now and I figured before I post anymore I should put one of these things up.

I've been on Verizon for my entire Cellphone experience. I've had a Samsung Omnia, a Motorola MOTORIZR, a Motorola RAZR V3m and some old Nokia candybar shaped phone (it even had a color screen!).

On my old Motorolas I used to be pretty big into seem edits. I never did anything extraordinary enough to post anywhere.

My Samsung Omnia was my first jump into the smartphone world, although I've had several palm pilots and winmo devices.

I've always tried to stay with WinMo because I'm a .Net Developer by trade. I never ended up programming anything for WinMo since it was too much of a pain to get anything to run on more than just my Omnia. The Omnia had a very specific resolution that not many other devices ran.

I'm hoping to do a bit of Android development once Motorola updates Motodev (correction, looks like they updated it for Android 2.0 on 12/01/09 [Woot!]) It's been a while since I've done any java development but I should be able to dive back into it. The first thing that I'd like to try my hand at is a nes emulator that uses an on screen keypad and buttons (optimized for multi-touch) but I don't know when I'll have time.

I'm an avid gamer and you can find me on PSN and XBox live as 'Dowd99'. There is no point in me posting my Wii friend code since that thing is just gathering dust.

I live and work in the Pittsburgh area of Pennsylvania. I'm not the biggest sports fan on earth but I just went to my first Steelers game last Sunday.

Well I guess since I've finally done this I won't feel so awkward when I post on other threads...
Welcome to the machine! Glad to have you here, and looking forward to an on-screen nes emulator ;)