Nothing is for free thats for sure but.. google voice

Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
ok how is this possible?

i use GV and a friend leaves me a voicemail and i get that plus the text transcribed version as well and in there on of the words which was 1000% way off was the name of a friend having nothing to do with the caller or what he was leaving the voicemail about.

it was like "hello sillyrabbitt whats up John Doe is ok and how are you"

something like that. how would google even come up with "John Doe" when that is not even close to what was said.

they read my email or they got it from my contacts etc.. how and why?

GV is awful when it comes to trying to figure out what the voicemail says. I think it's hilarious to read along as I listen to the voicemail. I get random names, random words, and sentences that rarely make sense.
It might look in your contacts (don't know) but I also find the translations "interesting" and pretty much useless. Occasionally you can use them to get a general idea of what the message is but most of the time you've got to listen to it.
Just mentioned on the other thread about Google Voice that is running on the same page. It's a beta program. It's going to have glitches.
Remember GV is still a beta product. I find that if the voicemail is fairly basic and to the point, then the translations are fairly accurate. If the vm's are more complex, then the translations can become pretty bad.
thanks for the responses i agree with you all! but my main point is it did look in contacts the name it came up with was obscure and it got it perfect (thats the weird part) if i didnt get it perfect i wouldnt have been taken back by it. but since it transcribes so bad but got the name right on when it wasnt relevant....
I work for a company that develops speech rec applications. The technology is still evolving quite a bit at this point. Given this fact and that the application is still a beta I would assume it will only get better.

I use Google Voice currently for no other reason than being able to hit two 'key's and hear my message. Even if the transcription portion is incorrect it still is much less tedious than dialing into your voicemail and entering your pin etc etc.
i hear you. i guess what i am trying to say is google is looking through my information. but what do you expect for a free service. nothing is free!
really? what do i disable exactly?


I believe you can control all of your Google info on their dashboard page...

I have found that I can delete anything associated with my gmail, google voice, bloggers and most importantly..... your web search history! God knows how this could be used against you in the future. I wondered how many people were familiar with this page.
really? what do i disable exactly?


I believe you can control all of your Google info on their dashboard page...

I have found that I can delete anything associated with my gmail, google voice, bloggers and most importantly..... your web search history! God knows how this could be used against you in the future. I wondered how many people were familiar with this page.

wow i never seen this page before thanks!!! but i dont think i can control much with GV :(
I'm sorry I thought you were worried about your privacy. The dashboard can help control everything that is stored under your username for google. To access google voice, if you have an account, go to You can delete everything in there just the same as an email account. It's a pretty typical setup.