Notification sounds


Feb 13, 2010
Reaction score
Looks like notification sounds on 'Gbread has changed...I cannot find a way to separate or silence notifications on my wife's DX...Major PITA. Am I missing something??
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Bump...Anyone found a way to change or turn off notification sounds? How about rooting? Is there a ROM that allows this change?

Her phone is driving me nuts! It's her work phone and she gets a gazillion emails a day. PING! PING! PING! IT'S ALIVE I SAY!!! BWAHAHAHAHA...
Are you trying to silence all notifications or just her emails?

My notification sounds keeps force closing. I am not getting any notification sounds. :/ what file is that under on the phone so I can see if I can repair it?

sent from my ZombieStomped X
Looks like notification sounds on 'Gbread has changed...I cannot find a way to separate or silence notifications on my wife's DX...Major PITA. Am I missing something??

<settings><sounds><volume> unclick use ringer volume for notifications it will give you a separate volume for notifications!

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DAMN! Thank-you...That will keep me from going crazy at night!!
Hope that helped? Lol

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