Notifications are not loud enough..


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Jan 16, 2012
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Droid Turbo 2
That's total bull..that needs to be fixed
I was waiting on my boss to textk me...he calls and says he had texted me an hour before. I looked and he was right. I couldn't hear the dang phone in a place with just 3 people in it ..that's ridiculous
That Sept 1st security update really messed up the notification volumes. My phone was fine before it.

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I dunno. I've never kept the volume for notifications up very high, so I can't honestly tell if I have an issue of not. I'm assuming it's a significant reduction in sound.... Is it the ringtone too? I'm not trying to sound stupid, I'd like to "see" if mine's got that same problem or not.

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I have a similar issue with my S5, but it's sound clip related. Some are simply softer than others regardless of volume and others you can hear two houses down. Have you tried downloading some third party notification sounds from Zedge to see if that makes a difference?

S5 tap'n
The ringtone starts off quiet and then ramps up to normal volume after a couple of seconds. The notification tone is just plain low volume. Doesn't matter what ringtone you use. Folks have tried downloading them from all over the place. There's an app Disable Increasing Ringtone that has been reported to work. I haven't tried it as it doesn't bother me too much.
I wonder if there's a way to go back to the Aug. security update, and delete the Sept. one?:(
Don't believe so.

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I cranked all my volumes up this week (normally have set to vibrate or turned really low) & apparently I've got the same issue.... Y'all probably already knew that

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I did, but that's because I'm psychic. Or maybe the doctor said psycho.
You're probably too young to know what this is a picture of.

I did, but that's because I'm psychic. Or maybe the doctor said psycho.
You're probably too young to know what this is a picture of.

View attachment 77099
Lol! Not sure who that question is directed towards, but I certainly know & remember well.
Is anyone's speaker volume wonky too? I tried to listen to Hillary's speech earlier & could barely hear what she was saying. Volume was cranked all the way up.
I haven't been using my phone for anything fun lately (videos or tunes), so not sure how long video volume has been "off".
I wonder if there's a way to go back to the Aug. security update, and delete the Sept. one?:(

The ringtone starts off quiet and then ramps up to normal volume after a couple of seconds. The notification tone is just plain low volume. Doesn't matter what ringtone you use. Folks have tried downloading them from all over the place. There's an app Disable Increasing Ringtone that has been reported to work. I haven't tried it as it doesn't bother me too much.

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The only volume issue I have is with the ringtone ramp up and the low notification volume. All of my media seem to be normal volume. I've tried media in websites as well as You Tube. I was just watching a You Tube video and it was actually too loud. I had to lower the volume. I've used speaker phone a bunch and it seems fine as well.