Notifications for different email accts

Tim B

New Member
Mar 19, 2010
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The Who Dat Nation
On my original droid I had a different notification tone set for each different email account I had. The UI is somewhat different on the Bionic however, and I tried to do the same setup on my Bionic but when I go to each acct and go to email settings in the menu it seems to set that tone for all email accts. What "menu path" should I take to get to the menu where I can set a different tone for each email?
On my original droid I had a different notification tone set for each different email account I had. The UI is somewhat different on the Bionic however, and I tried to do the same setup on my Bionic but when I go to each acct and go to email settings in the menu it seems to set that tone for all email accts. What "menu path" should I take to get to the menu where I can set a different tone for each email?

That makes at least two of us who want to know. I'm astounded that the most powerful phone in the universe doesn't have the capability found in a 5 year old BlackBerry.
Not sure why it's not working for you, sounds like you're doing it right. Open each individual email account and go to settings > notifications.

For your Gmail account(s) it's a little different. In your Gmail account hit the menu key > more > settings. Scroll down to the Notification Settings area and select Labels to Notify. Select inbox > ringtone.

That should do it!

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Not sure why it's not working for you, sounds like you're doing it right. Open each individual email account and go to settings > notifications.

For your Gmail account(s) it's a little different. In your Gmail account hit the menu key > more > settings. Scroll down to the Notification Settings area and select Labels to Notify. Select inbox > ringtone.

That should do it!

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums

Thanks for your response and attempt to assist. I go to Messaging, open an email account, go to Email Settings, Uncheck Notifications, back arrow 3 times and return to Messaging, open another email account only to find Notifications is also de-selected. BTW, all accounts remain with only the one Ringtone.

I have 5 email accounts set up and would like different tones for 2 accounts and silence the remaining 3. With my BlackBerry, that was a simple task. Not so with Bionic. Definitely a step backward for me.
I have 2 email accounts with different notifications. Gmail and the stock email App with a pop 3 account. Gmail appears to only have the default notification setting. So I set the default as the sound I want for Gmail. The stock email app has a notification setting within the app. What I set there works for that apps notification. I used k9 mail on my OG, and for a short time on my Bionic. K9 had a notification setting that gave a 3rd notification sound