Now that the Pre is getting 1st rate games from EA, when will Droid?


Nov 3, 2009
Reaction score
So iphone and pre both have some good games from know developers, when will the Android OS and specifically the N1 and Droid? Have there been any rumors or announcements about any major companies making games for these devices?
The Droid is the youngest of the phones you mentioned, so I am willing to give the developers some more time before I get disappointed.
I'm not looking to play a 4 hour game of Sims on my phone. Short games that can give me fun for 15 minutes at a time are fine with me.

Once apps will be able to be installed and run off SD cards, they should start getting larger.
I'm not looking to play a 4 hour game of Sims on my phone. Short games that can give me fun for 15 minutes at a time are fine with me.

Once apps will be able to be installed and run off SD cards, they should start getting larger.

I'm not either, but a good FPS or racing game would be nice.
Right now you can play any NES, Super NES, and GBA game on the Droid. If that's not enough for you, wait until flash support comes out.

As far as developers developing specifically for the Droid, it will happen. I'm getting ready to start one right now... :) Just had to wait for the platform to mature and make sure there is money to be made.
A bit off topic but how does the Pre compare to the Droid? I don't have much experience with the Pre.
I'm not looking to play a 4 hour game of Sims on my phone. Short games that can give me fun for 15 minutes at a time are fine with me.

Once apps will be able to be installed and run off SD cards, they should start getting larger.

I'm not either, but a good FPS or racing game would be nice.
For racing check out Raging Thunder. Great game, smooth graphics..

A bit off topic but how does the Pre compare to the Droid? I don't have much experience with the Pre.

I came from a Pre(well, 7 of them), I can say, with absolute certainty, at this point, the Pre doesn't compare. The screen is smaller, lower res, the phone was pretty laggy, the keyboard cramped(plus portrait orientation kinda sucks), and it's not built very well. Hopefully the Verizon Pre Plus is better built, but I don't think the Pre is going to even start competing until 1.4 comes out.
A bit off topic but how does the Pre compare to the Droid? I don't have much experience with the Pre.

I came from a Pre(well, 7 of them)
, I can say, with absolute certainty, at this point, the Pre doesn't compare. The screen is smaller, lower res, the phone was pretty laggy, the keyboard cramped(plus portrait orientation kinda sucks), and it's not built very well. Hopefully the Verizon Pre Plus is better built, but I don't think the Pre is going to even start competing until 1.4 comes out.

Well, there's the answer to my question :)

Lots of new phones coming out since I purchased my Droid, still looks like I made the right call :icon_ banana:
I guess I'm looking for a game to take advantage of the Droid's GPU and do something really great like Moder Warfare 2 or some COD game:)
+1 Elysian. Have tried out a Pre several times and agree completely, it doesn't compare. I actually like the Pre keyboard but that's the only thing to like about it.
I'm not looking to play a 4 hour game of Sims on my phone. Short games that can give me fun for 15 minutes at a time are fine with me.

Once apps will be able to be installed and run off SD cards, they should start getting larger.

I'm not either, but a good FPS or racing game would be nice.
For racing check out Raging Thunder. Great game, smooth graphics..


I love this game... cant wait for better racing games to come out, like the iphone has NFSD
+1 Elysian. Have tried out a Pre several times and agree completely, it doesn't compare. I actually like the Pre keyboard but that's the only thing to like about it.

The Pre's keyboard is great... for typing/texting. I was very fast on it. Gaming is another story, the wide landscape Droid keyboard is MUCH better for that.
We will see some awesome games for the Droid (like Assasins Creed and others) patient.