You will be one of those same people down the road wondering why your over priced XOOM isn't getting updates too, because there will be something better and your XOOM will be out dated. Dont believe it? Ask any Droid, Inc, (insert any "top of the line" phone from last year here), etc, owner.[/QUOTE]
Well, I'm enjoying Gingerbread on my year old DX.
See, that's what I mean. You have to know what brand to trust. I know people who choose the Fascinate because of the colorful screen. I think its still on 2.1!
I'm speaking from experience with Android. I pre ordered my G1. Hardware is only half the story. You need those updates! Forget flash and other major features, just the performance difference from 2.1 to 2.2 was insane! And you get another boost on 2.3. More people should be made aware of this in order to make a more informed purchase.
Hardware specs are glorified in the Android world, but more emphasis should be put on software. It was nice to hear the news at IO on this matter, but that's still wait and see. As of right now, Motorola or HTC, that's all! Hope is all you have with the others. To get a device from LG or Samsung you're just asking to wait. And you will be waiting! If you trust Asus to keep you updated, by all means, jump right in. But its no difference with tablets. The jump from 3.0 to 3.1 is huge. Something I wouldn't want to be waiting for.
Lets face it, the majority does not root. And even when you do, the ROMs get much better when the devs get their hands on that official build. Of course you won't get updates forever, but I want them for as long as possible. Its the reason my DX remains awesome! The Fascinate owners will probably get the Galaxy 2, and receive more punishment. But the screen is so colorful!

Resist the gimmicks people!