Off Topic, but I have to give some praise for the VZ network extender


Oct 30, 2009
Reaction score
NE Texas
My house is in one of those spots that does not get any good cell reception. We have had an antenna for a few years, but it has only marginally helped. I decided to get the VZ Network Extender and am extremely pleased. It does not have EVDO capability, but with WIFI on the Droid, I could care less. What is has done is give me 4-5 bars in every spot in my house. Basically I went from an average dBm of -104 (0 t o1 bar) to an average of -79 (4-5 bars and much much better).

It is by no means cheap, but well worth it if your house is in an area like mine.
However, if your location is such that no windows face North, it can be difficult or impossible to get a GPS fix on your location, which is required for proper operation. You can tell that lots of people have a problem with this because if you call Verizon tech support for any reason, you have to listen to a recording which informs you that you must wait at least 2 hours for the device to lock on to the satellites.

It's not that the cell-call-via-IP boost function wouldn't work a lock, they just want to make sure that no one can make calls without being tracked for E911.

Also, there's no way to log into the device even though it obtains an IP address on your network.

If it works for you, however, it is a very useful device which other companies should offer.
Hmmm. I know there is a cable extension so you can remove your GPS if needed and extend it to a good area. I just use a wireless internet network extender and located the VZ Network extender in a prime location. I see no need to log into the device since you can add or remove numbers from it on my VZ. Online reviews are great from most users so your issue may not be a huge one. Either way...5 bars and -78 is great.
Don't get me wrong, this is a great product. The particular office where I was trying to set this up couldn't see the Northern sky. It was in the same strip mall as the Verizon store, but had terrible cell coverage.

And no, there's really no need to log into the device, but I hoped I'd be able to see whether it was seeing x number of satellites without having to place, wait 2 hours, move it, wait 2 hours, etc.
Actually you can log into the network extender. When I first got mine I did some digging and found it runs a webserver, but will only talk to the divice it is connected to. Example; if plugged into your router it will only accept requests from your router.

I have DD-WRT on my router, so I can run shell off the router and try to access the network extender. I can also tunnel http over SSH server in my router and access the network extenders webpage login.

Ill post a link to my original post later. Can't figure out how to paste from my Droid LOL.

I wish someone more tech savvy would look into this. figured out how to paste :)
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I am not sure I understand how this device works after reading this thread.

What I found on the web was that this device runs off your homes broadband wireless system. No "access to the north sky" etc. sounds necessary..

This sounds like it uses your wireless router around the house..

Am i missing something..

it is costly at 250 dollars.. But, if it was reliable I will look into it..

Access to the north sky is basically a requirment for the device to determine your location via GPS. GPS location is required for E911 service which apparently is required, I think, by law.

If it cannot lock onto a gps satellite, it will not function because it cannot provide coordinates in the event of an E911 call.
ahh yess


i just read a little more about the extender. Makes sense about the 911 service.

Hmmm.. Now, do I spend the 250... ?

I don't know, I might hang on for the Google phone..

Did you see the articles that came out yesterday... ? interesting for sure..

I have one of these at a vacation home where there is practically no service. I have to drive a mile from the house to get a 2 bar signal.

I set it up near a north facing window which has a small covered porch outside it and after 15 minutes or so i get a signal.

I have not used my droid there yet but my Q9m worked like a charm and it allowed me to dump a $30 a month land line. Any CDMA carrier phone will work on it. I expect the same from the droid.

The broad band connection also let me dump my satellite provider and get a slingbox.
help/questions with extender

ok, i got one of these and it seems to work fine, all the blue buttons light up, when i am walking around the house it seems to make no difference at all in my reception, bars are up and down , etc
i did notice if i place a call it seems to go to 4 bars, so is this how it is supposed to work?
i dont really need this for calling, i need my text to go in and out
it does not seem to be doing that at all
i was just 30ft from it in another room and it bounced 2 text - could not get them out, sooo??? i am thinking about returning it
i wanted to know the phone was not going to miss text coming in, will this thing do that or is it supposed to?
if i run the droid on wifi in the house does the wifi do only data or does it do voice and text also? because i can just do that no problem and dont need the extender

thanks for any help you can give

i just read a little more about the extender. Makes sense about the 911 service.

Hmmm.. Now, do I spend the 250... ?


I had the same reception problem and got one. It's been working great, although I don't see a change in the bars. When I called Customer Service the sound was one of the best I've ever heard on a cell. He said to call #48 and I should get a recording saying I'm on the extended network.

When I told the manager of the local Verizon store that if I had to rely on my cell at my house for my life I would be dead, they gave me a 50% discount. :icon_ banana: