[OFFICIAL] CES Presentation Discussion Thread.

cereal killer

Staff member
Oct 29, 2009
Reaction score
Austin, TX
Current Phone Model
Nokia Lumia Icon

You all know the drill. Post your comments, thoughts, likes, dislikes and disappointments here. Anything CES and Verizon is open for discussion.

Enjoy and have fun!!!

WATCH LIVE HERE (VZW Presentation)

Ok Ladies and Gentlemen just over 25 minutes and CES goes live. This will be the Official thread. I know how you all just love 3000 new threads on one topic so pass the word on : )

Have fun today!!!
Could Big Red be throwing a bone to the dev/mod community w/ the LG Revolution? If this is the same thing as a optimus2X, its a beast. And last I checked LG doesn't lock their phones. Here's hoping:)
Here's hoping for more info on LGs Optimus 2x and LTE pricing...specs and cost! And for HTC to give us something special considering the thunderbolt seemed like it got overshadowed yesterday
I agree Hopper, I hope they don't lock down the phone whether its the manufacturer or processor
at this point I could care LESS about the phones..I want to know the prices. I'm content with the direction of the phones..
Am I an uber-dork for feeling electrified right now? I'm ready to be underwhelmed, but I've been waiting for right now for weeeeeeks. dancedroid
oh come on, start it already...

i too am curious about 4g pricing, release dates of phones, and thats pretty much it.
just logged onto the live stream. why is nothing happening yet?! :( good thing i'm home until 6:30 :) come on thunderbolt news!!!
Want/need a android with a real qwerty and not that horrible job of a qwerty that motorola makes. Bring out the HTC Merge!