Ogg Vorbis Audio Streaming On The Droid


Nov 2, 2009
Reaction score
Northeast Ohio
So, I'm playing with any number of streaming audio apps from the Market... so far, most of 'em only seem to do MP3/Shoutcast/Icecast, etc.

The winner appears to be StreamItAll Radio, which has a very extensive directory of stations worldwide, including here in the U.S...it's scary that I found working streams for about a dozen radio stations with former co-workers of mine working there. :D

But I have one elusive stream that doesn't seem to work in any of the players - the CBC Radio One stream from Canada. They have any number of Windows Media streams for all their cities, but have a national (Toronto-based) Ogg Vorbis experimental feed.

Ogg Vorbis...my ears perked because I know it's a native format for Android. But...that apparently doesn't extend to live streaming audio, through the browser, or through a third-party app.

I bring up StreamItAllRadio because it actually does have - believe it or not - the French counterpart to CBC Radio One, Radio-Canada's Premiere Chaine. If they can get the stream in French, why not in English?

I'd ask the StreamItAll folks...but like most Android developers, they are hard to reach, or can't be reached at all.

Any thoughts about this? It shouldn't be hard to do, no?
Though I still wouldn't mind finding out the answer, I don't need it anymore:


CBC Radio is now streaming out in MP3 format, 32kbps and 96kpbs. Click the above link. It works great on the Droid!!!
I need this cause I can only get mpd (in my linux machine) to stream to icecast2 in ogg format.