OH look a noob and no one cares!! Keep movin... lol


New Member
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
Hello Droid Forums. Maybe I did register today, but have lurked for years. It wasn't till recently I decided to go ahead and sign up. This is a wonderful message board, and I salute you guys for burning the trolls. I'm a huge fan of Android platforms, as a result, I have had my fair share of them. Currently still hold the original Droid. As of right now, I carry the Bionic and Thunderbolt. Some of the best phones that I have owned. I hope to contribute to this site in some shap or form, as it has done for me many time. Thanks for reading.

Welcome to DF!!

Chizzele is absolutely correct, lots of great members here for sure. I look forward to seeing you around the site and I am glad you finally made it out of the shadows lol!
Welcome to the community. We're glad to have you with us. Lots of helpful info and as mentioned above a lot of great members. Feel free to ask any questions or state any opinions. Dive on in and enjoy the community

Sent from my Liberated D2
welcome to the forum. cant beat what Android can do, thats for sure. thanks for joining, enjoy ur stay