OK .. uninstalled ATK so now, how??


Apr 19, 2010
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I was hooked! Faster than a crack addiction, I bet! Now that I took the word of CK, H, and a bunch of folks around here, and uninstalled Advanced Task Killer, how do I know if there are apps open/running that will not shorten the day my battery will enjoy? What brought this up, is I just had a delivery at the door-and there was a small (probably insignificant) hole in the box. So, I snapped a quick pic, and went back to what I was doing. Then I though AAARRRRGGGHHH! I don't know if the camera app is still running or not.

What is the onboard task killer that comes with the Moto Droid? What is the easiest way to see what apps might be running, and moreso, how to close any apps not necessary?

Bear with me-its ATK withdrawl onset
OK. Here's the trick. DON'T LOOK. Really that's all there is to it. Use the phone for a few days like you normally would. If you experience anything terribly abnormal then check the battery usage and what is using it. Otherwise just LEAVE IT ALONE.

OK. Here's the trick. DON'T LOOK. Really that's all there is to it. Use the phone for a few days like you normally would. If you experience anything terribly abnormal then check the battery usage and what is using it. Otherwise just LEAVE IT ALONE.

But, I itch, my nose is runnin', I have a fever, I'm coughin......


Thats the darn cold I caught a couple of days ago!

OK. I won't look! (the fact is, without that app, I don't know where to look, other than running apps.)
