WHAT is the best method of transferring iTunes files to your phone??
iTunes Agent isn't working. "My Devices" just sits over in playlists. I can't get my Droid to pop up.
And doubleTwist.. from it not bringing everything in my iTunes over (BUT bringing multiple copies some stuff over) to it not playing ANY videos (outside of music videos), that's not working either. I took everything from there off my card.
**** Apple.
So is there any other good ways of going about this? Or the ones I mentioned above.. are they the best ways and I should just keep playing around with them?
iTunes Agent isn't working. "My Devices" just sits over in playlists. I can't get my Droid to pop up.
And doubleTwist.. from it not bringing everything in my iTunes over (BUT bringing multiple copies some stuff over) to it not playing ANY videos (outside of music videos), that's not working either. I took everything from there off my card.
**** Apple.
So is there any other good ways of going about this? Or the ones I mentioned above.. are they the best ways and I should just keep playing around with them?