Old & Brand New...deleting contacts


New Member
Feb 4, 2012
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How do I delete the "Warranty Center", "#BAL", "#DATA", etc....numbers from my phone contacts?
Hello and welcome to the forum!!

You should be able to long press on the contact and then select "delete"...
But if that doesnt work, like on the Rezound, then download "Go Contacts" and delete them with that app.
Hello and welcome to the forum!!

You should be able to long press on the contact and then select "delete"...

No, the options are "view", "edit number", or "send". :~( I Want to join the tech-world but I have to have a clean plate...none of these auto-addons. "Rezound"....going to find that!
Maybe that is an HTC issue then...definitely try Go Contacts from the market as LtKen mentions or you can log into your Google account via the web browser and delete from there as well...
Welcome to Droid Forums!! I hope you are able to get it all figured out soon :biggrin:
thank you

The "Go Contacts" got rid of those unwanted Verzion numbers but I'm still struggling with how to add *only* the numbers I want to my *Face Page* (the one that appears when I turn on the phone). I seem to have "contacts" all over the place except on the *Face Page* which is where I would dial from.

And while I'm here and ya'll were kind to reply....how long should this battery last? I play no videos, texted, phone calls....only reading & trying to personalize the phone & the battery only last about 3 hrs. Is that about right?!!!
Welcome to the site. DancingNexus
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Well those numbers (#BAL, #DATA, etc) are back on my home page when I turn on my phone. It is beyond annoying!!! The GO Contacts isn't working this time because those contacts aren't showing up there. I went to the Verizon store (in a tizzy) and the man there said they were programed into my phone!! If this phone can send messages, music, voice through this *magic air*, then why can't it delete something I don't want! :~((