old incredible 2 as a backup and traveling abroad


New Member
Sep 30, 2013
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I am buying a new Incredible One, and want to keep my old Incredible 2 as a seldom used second phone, and for traveling. I will go through Verizon to get it unlocked. Do I remove the vodaphone/verizon sim card before I can unlock? Do I need a new sim card in the phone before I can get it unlocked, or can I get the unlock code and do that at a later time when I get a sim?. Can I get a US sim card and use it here, and then get an international card and put it in when I go abroad? Is there an international card that will also work here in the Us and Canada? I appreciate any answers.
Hello and welcome to the forum!

Sorry, I am not much help on the unlocking questions but wish ya the best & safe travels...
Welcome to the site. Might want to post your question in one of the help forums for responses. DancingNexus