On my 3rd Razr xt912 phone, freezing issue still happening!! Plz help!


New Member
Feb 11, 2012
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I received my 3rd replacement Droid Razr xt912 yesterday because every Razr I've had has had a screen freezing problem. Now this latest Razr has the same issue. Verizon Tech told me it was due to 3rd party apps on my phone? What's the point of having a Razr and no 3rd party apps???!!! Has anyone else had a problem with their screen freezing up when calls come in, or when trying to retreive voicemails with *86? Also this latest Droid Razr xt912 is draining my battery rapidly. I have the latest update, installed it yesterday. Thanks for any and all help or suggestions. Verizon tech also told me I did not need webroot antivirus, or any antivirus for my phone. Any thoughts on that also appreciated.
It may not be all the apps that you are using but just one of them. I would have to think that if you are having the same exact issue with 3 different phones, it has to be something that you are installing. If I was you, I would go through and slowly update the apps one at a time, leaving some time in between to see what happens. You may find that there is one of them messing the phone up. What apps do you typically have installed?
It may not be all the apps that you are using but just one of them. I would have to think that if you are having the same exact issue with 3 different phones, it has to be something that you are installing. If I was you, I would go through and slowly update the apps one at a time, leaving some time in between to see what happens. You may find that there is one of them messing the phone up. What apps do you typically have installed?

I will second that. To have 3 phones doing the exact same thing for you is statistically enormous odds. If replacing the phone doesn't fix the problem, especially after two replacements, then the problem has to be something (or things) you are doing/installing.

There may be no one particular app that is causing it but it could be a unique combination of two or more apps working together to result in the freezing. Also, there is only so much internal storage and RAM that the phone has to use. If you use up the RAM to the point where the phone has insufficient space to operate in, the phone (as will any computer) will freeze.

Try this... Boot into Safe mode (http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-razr-support/200128-accessing-safe-mode-your-razr.html), and run the phone that way. You will not have access to the user-installed apps (except for those which are stored on your home screens), and you will not have access to widgets for those apps, but the phone will otherwise operate normally. If it doesn't freeze in this state, it's definitely an app or apps causing the issue.

Then follow Thach's instructions and try uninstalling apps one at a time, giving yourself time to see how the phone responds. If all of a sudden the phone becomes responsive, it was probably that last app you uninstalled.

Good luck! :biggrin:
Sub. Good suggestion there.

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