onscreen keyboard-no sound


New Member
Nov 14, 2009
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I'm having a small problem with the onscreen keyboard. For some reason it will not play sound when I tap a key. It worked last night, and stopped working this morning.

I tried turning on and turning off the sound option under the keyboard settings in the setting menu. i tried turning off the keyboard compleatly and turning it back on and it still does not work.

I tested the vibrate function and it turns on and off when I make the changes in the menu.

has anyone else had this issue? If so how did you fix it.

Thanks for your help!
ok.. crazy stuff... I went to mess with the animation settings because I wanted to see the difference between showing all animation and some animation.. and I notice the "silent mode".. for giggles and grins I tried turning it on (yes.. it was off) and then turning it back off and I noticed when I turned it off it made the same sound as the keyboard clicking... so i tried the keyboard and sure enough.. it worked.

I swear. silent mode was turned off.. not sure what happened but if you ever have this problem try turning silent mode on and then back off.

:icon_ banana: