Not everyone really wants the X. It is large, and not really all that open. Some buy phones based on their needs as well, such as a physical keyboard among others. In short: The Droid is useful to many people, even though it is not the current media love child (though, it was.).
Maybe not the media love child, but still mine!
I would be ok with the size. I'd probably also find a use for the hdmi out.
The droid's keyboard is something I seldom use. I can honestly say the X key has been the most frequently used key on that keyboard. But, it doesn't get in my way either.
I'm not sure I'd be ok with the moto-droid getting some android 3.0 features by year's end but owning a droid-x that stays on 2.2. Time will tell. I know I definitely wouldn't be happy on the inc waiting list while meanwhile an 8month old phone (rooted ones) were already running android 2.2.
8 months old and Scott still has made a good purchase. Welcome aboard Scott.