panoramic pictures not working


Jan 8, 2010
Reaction score
Western NY
I've been trying to take panoramic pitcures and it doesn't seem to save them. After scanning a few grids I hit the stop button to let it "stitch" them, it goes into a stitching loading screen for about a minute then takes me back to the main camera. Am I missing a step here? The pictures are not saved in gallery either.
Interesting, I just tried what you said and it did fail to stitch when I told it where to stop.
However, when I continue to move until it automatically stops capturing, it will render a fully stitched image almost instantly.

Okay but after a bit more testing I found this:
EDIT: When stitching after capturing an area and pressing the stop button two results can happen:
1) if you capture the last area and then move the camera in the same direction that the stitch was going, the stitch will fail when you hit the stop button.
2) if you capture the last area and then move in the opposite direction of the stitch until a red arrow is shown on screen, the stitch will work correctly.

Whenever the application stitches correctly, the stitching is quick.

This is a really odd error, try it out and let me know how it works for you.
awesome... thanks for the tip. I was trying to figure out why mine wasn't working either and that definitely fixed it. strange but good to know!
So is there an official fix for this? I have the same problem. I let it do the stitching after I hit the stop button. But then, there is no saved image.