pdanet blocked?


New Member
Apr 4, 2011
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Hi everyone. Okay this question may have already been answered but I've spent 3 days looking for an answer and I have not really gotten a straight one because people end up arguing or don't know what they are talking about lol. :heart: ok I currently have a LG Vortex and my boyfriend has a Droid 2 we both have PDAnet installed. Well.... one morning I'm getting up getting ready to tether and as I'm connecting it slows down on data connection... then it's authorized. so I continue my daily routine of checking my facebook when oops all of a sudden I get a nasty little Verizon message ...
If you would like to subscribe to Mobile Broadband Connect or 3G Mobile Hotspot, call:
Consumer: 800-256-4646
Business 800-899-4249

With Mobile Broadband Connect, you can use your Verizon Wireless handset, Smartphone or BlackBerry as a modem for your notebook when you connect the two using a USB cable, enabling you to access the Internet or your company intranet.

3G Mobile Hotspot will allow your Verizon Wireless Smartphone to act as a portable hotspot for your Wi-Fi enabled notebook/netbook, tablet PC, camera, media/MP3 player, and PDA, enabling you to access the Internet or your company intranet.

Mobile Broadband Connect and 3G Mobile Hotspot capability is ideal when you are travelling and need to use your notebook to check email, access corporate networks, or download large files like presentations and reports. And you won`t have to buy an extra PC Card or other devices.

Mobile Broadband Connect and 3G Mobile Hotspot Features
(NationalAccess service included)

With a 3G Mobile
Hotspot or Mobile

Monthly Access Fee

When added to a $29.99 or higher data option

Monthly Allowance

2 GB (2,048 MB)

Per GB Rate After Allowance


Roaming charges apply when using Mobile Broadband Connect in Canada, Mexico, and other international destinations.

I have read and accept the terms and conditions below.

If you would like to subscribe to Mobile Broadband Connect or 3G Mobile Hotspot, call:
Consumer: 800-256-4646
Business 800-899-4249

GlobalAccess Connect is available for select smartphones to use your device as a modem in GSM destinations. Please visit www.verizonwireless.com/globalaccessconnect for more details

so I figured they caught on to us using the PDAnet but when I try his works perfect. =/ so my question is there way around it? will it end next billing cycle? why is verizon the ONLY provider that want to be a*******s about this. lol anyhoo. any information someone has on this stupid little message would be awesome =)
Thankyou !

AT&T does a similar thing as well. I have seen this issue before but I'm not sure how to rectify it.
=( bah it drives me crazy it still says it. theres gotta be a way to reset something.
Try easy tether. I use that over pdanet. $10 flat fee. No yearly cost. I still use it daily........ you could always root(if you aren't already) and use wired or wireless tether for root users.

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums
im not quite sure what all this rooting means. I used ET like you said and obviously it's working =) lol but im curious what you mean by that. if you have a link or something i could follow that would be awesome =) i would look for it myself but i dont know exactly what im looking for. I just don't want vzw to be stupid and block this from me too =) diablo 3 is comming out soon and that would break my heart lol!
There are easy apps for rooting on the market such as z4root, oneclickroot and a couple of more. Make sure those work with your phone model. After rooting install wireless tether for root users. i use it and never had an issue.