PDANET/Easy Tether - Major Trainwreck on my Mac


New Member
Dec 25, 2011
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Hi Everyone and Happy Holidays! This is my first post here. It may be lengthy, so I will make it as succinct as possible.

My Mac is a 10.5. I purchased a Samsung Stratosphere about a month ago. Gave up my trusty Blackberry. One of the reasons I changed was the place I am renting does not have a phone line installed, landlord doesn't want to pay for it and neither do I. Plus I don't want another bill for wifi, so I thought tethering would be a good solution. I am on Verizon.

The rep at the Verizon store helped me install the free version of Pdanet. It worked great, so I bought and upgraded to the paid version. The past few weeks it has been terrible, where I was getting bumped off the internet every couple of minutes or so, and today it was pretty much unusable.

I looked into Easy Tether today, so downloaded the free version. I did have a little trouble installing it, esp. in the network section. I finally installed the Ethernet (en3) but not before somehow I have all these Samsung Android1, 2, all the up to 7 on there as well.
It worked pretty good this afternoon for about two hours, but then it started disconnecting from the Internet as well.

I decided to go back to PdaNet, but when I went to connect, I got an error that said "unable to open interface e00002c5" I looked around on the forums for a few hours. There was an explanation here on this forum where someone had installed Easy Tether like I did, but, honestly, I couldn't follow and understand the directions. I think it assumed someone had more than a basic understanding of computers, and my computer knowledge is fairly minimal.

So I went back to Easy Tether, uninstalled and reinstalled it, and now it doesn't work, either......Where is that smiley face that is banging its head against the wall when I need it?

So I kindly ask if someone can walk me through detangling this mess. I thought tethering was supposed to be easy. I saw where people have said if one roots the phone, the tethering would be easier. I looked into it and it is way over my head and not something that I would want to do at this point. I am the type of person that crashes any electronics that come within 50 feet of myself.

Right now I am poaching off my neighbor's wifi, which is sketchy, at best. I got into all this tethering business so I could join in my professional webinars and listen to my favorite internet radio stations without being stuck in buffering land, and now I am dead in the water once again.

Thanks again! Any help here would be greatly appreciated, Cas
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I am having the exact same issue. I totally regret downloading easytether at all. And I tried to follow instructions that were way above my computer skills (which are basically nonexistant) and they just didn't work. I would be so grateful if someone could help me with this.