PDF reader?


Nov 9, 2009
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im looking for a good pdf reader that has some features like Aldiko would. bookmarks and things like that. i i have tried to use calibre to convert the pdf files to epub and all worked perfect for normal books but when it came to the photography books i have it messed up all the pictures, and the formatting was way off to the point i couldnt read it... if anyone knows i good pdf reader or maybe a good converter that cane take my pdf files to epub without loosing format or pictures that would be amazing!! thanks!
well i was hoping to find something that had a cover art flow like adilko but i can live with at least being able to read them. i was giving repligo a try but it seems to not be able to load all the images all the way... thay all come up blurry. the free pdf veiwer seems to be working better although it loads the pages a bit slower the Repligo and Repligo seems to scroll better. but since these are photography books ill take image quality over scrolling quality... there also doesnt seem to be a way to make the screen stay on while reading... so ill need to install another app to handle that option as well... its a shame i cant get the pdf to convert to epub.