Phone contacts


New Member
May 9, 2010
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I just put a new phone contact in my droid. It doesn't show up on my phone contacts but it does in favorites. When I edited the says Google contact. How can I just get this on my phone contacts. THANKS!:)
Click menu while your contact list is open. Then click display options, click on your acct email, then check all the options.
I guess I have no clue!

Nowmy phone has no phone contacts in contacts or favorites. I tried to import the contacts from my SD card. When it is loading I can see all of thecontacts as they load! Where did they go? They still don't show!

Contacts says, "You don't have any contacts to display." Same thing with favorites. The only account I see is my GMAIL account
Click on your Gmail acct and you should get a list of options of what contacts to display. Check them all.