Phone doesn't recognize the battery


New Member
Jul 27, 2014
Reaction score
Current Phone Model
Nexus 5
So I've searched and searched but cannot find any other instance of the problem I'm having.

My phone was fully charged when I began checking my morning messages when it froze, so I rebooted it. Upon reboot, it showed 0% battery and immediately turned off. I restarted the phone numerous times and it kept shutting down due to no battery. Finding this odd, I plugged it back in and started it up, it ran fine however the battery was still at 0% and although it said it was charging, it never altered the charge percentage, however when I started the bootloader, it would stay on without being plugged in for hours showing that the battery is connected and fine. I replaced the battery, altered between dalvik and art, and factory reset, none of it helped. Now this is where it get's more strange, every so often, the phone will show either 100%, 36%, or 15% and work without being plugged in for minutes or hours without the percentage dropping until it randomly goes to 0% again and turns off. One of the only constants I've noticed is that when it happens to be running, it will immediately drop to 0% if I take a picture with HDR. I'm stumped, Sprint will not touch it as it's not covered by the protection plan, and the manufacturer will look into it but told me I'd be without a phone for over 2 weeks which I can't do. If any of you have any ideas or wisdom, I'd really appreciate it. I'm stumped.
First off, which device do you have?

When you plug the device back in while it's off, does it show it's being charged?
Nexus 5 and yes it shows that it is charging.
I have heard of similar problems in the past. While the device is off, leave the charger in for about 10-15min. Boot up the phone after that and hopefully it fixes the problem.
Thank you for your response. I've followed all available troubleshooting walkthroughs instructed by Google, that being one of them.
Hmmm, maybe try a local phone repair shop and see if they can replace the battery? Or you can do so yourself, just gotta order another battery and wait a few days.
I've already replaced the battery, I'll look into a repair shop.
Very odd problem.

I'm kinda surprised Google isn't trying to work more with getting you back online with a phone quicker. Maybe try contacting them again and sweet talk your way into them sending you a new unit and returning the defected one when the new one arrives.
Yeah that was the goal but they said they need to try to fix it before sending me a new one. So frustrating, thank you so much though for your responses and help.