Phone echo problems


New Member
Dec 14, 2009
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my phone echoes on a lot of out going calls....everything i say repeats everything in my ear, as i'm trying to talk....very,very annoying. Has any one else had this problem, and if so any suggestions...other than this, i love this phone,although right now it's not a user friendly ''phone'' :confused:
my phone echoes on a lot of out going calls....everything i say repeats everything in my ear, as i'm trying to talk....very,very annoying. Has any one else had this problem, and if so any suggestions...other than this, i love this phone,although right now it's not a user friendly ''phone'' :confused:

First :welcome: to the forum. I have seen many people make comments about the quality of the phone, my own is that it's one of the best phones I've ever had. It's crystal clear, nobody complains about hearing me. However I've yet to hear anyone talk about and echo. Doesn't mean someone you're the first, just I haven't seen it.

I don't have any tips to help you on this one. Call quality can be improved by going to phone and ##program/send/password 000000/verify/vocode/EVRC-B/APPLY. It doesn't work in all areas but you can try it. Do not play with anything else in that menu. I don't know if that will help your echo situation.

Anyway glad to have you on board and enjoy your Droid.
my phone echoes on a lot of out going calls....everything i say repeats everything in my ear, as i'm trying to talk....very,very annoying. Has any one else had this problem, and if so any suggestions...other than this, i love this phone,although right now it's not a user friendly ''phone'' :confused:

I have experienced the echo problem a few times. Haven't managed to come up with a solid reason for it. Doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason associated with the problem for me.

99.9% of the time, the call quality on my Droid is the best I've ever had on any phone, so I think maybe it's a intermittent network (or phone) issue. At least, that's my experience.

Once, rebooting the phone fixed the echo, and once it just quit doing it in the middle of a conversation. Kind of hard to track down a problem in those kind of situations.

If your's keeps it up, would probablt be worth a service call and possible a replacement, though.
If the person you are calling says you are echoed or muffled try toggling speakerphone on and off to fix it immediately. When you are done with the call, reboot your phone.

REMEMBER TO REBOOT EVERY THREE DAYS. Call me crazy, but this has worked for me. I used to get the echoing complaints and now I haven't for at least a month. I haven't tried modifying phone at all. I've read comments from quite a lot of people that modifying the settings doesn't help.