I'm looking for a solid android phone for my mother. Mid 50s - first smart phone. I've always had and will always go android because I love them. Had the OG and now the GNex. I want her to go android because of the sync and connectivity she'd have with my sis and I. I'm leaning, however, towards an iPhone for a couple reasons. First the size. It's perfect for her. 2nd the OS. Apple is dumbed down enough for a person of her age.
My question is this; is there a comparable phone in android that is of similar size (4in or below) with solid hardware and good battery life? Oh! And it is for Verizon!
Thanks everyone!
My question is this; is there a comparable phone in android that is of similar size (4in or below) with solid hardware and good battery life? Oh! And it is for Verizon!
Thanks everyone!