Phone initiating calls by itself.


New Member
Jul 14, 2013
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I'm new to this forum so please bear with me. My Motorola phone made about 10 phone calls by itself around 11:30 PM. I stopped it when my daughter called me back after being called a second time. I checked my recent call log and discovered my phone had dialed about 10 calls one right after the other. I can only assume it used my favorite list for the numbers. I have not programed any apps which would automate phone calling and have not downloaded any. Has anyone had a similar experience.
Long ago in the early days of Android a 3rd party USB cable and charger would cause this issue of the phone being unresponsive and sometimes calling on its own. Are you using OEM charger/cables if your phone is plugged in overnight?
There is a known issue suffered by some called pocket-dialing. The happens when the phone waitress up while in the pocket, and the phone detecting your skin thorough your pocket, decides you were trying to dial that phone, and may either dial the last number dialed, or may dial another number from your favorites, your contacts, or even random phone numbers it may "dial" from the keypad.

Setting Lock code can prevent this, as it prevents the phone from reaching a full awake state.

There may be other causes, including rogue apps, viruses or other types of app failure.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Thanks. No it's not OEM. I'll make sure I use the OEM charger. Still odd though kind of like using a different brick with my notebook and having computer problems.