Phone kept restarting


Feb 25, 2010
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Hey everyone. Last night while I was out to dinner my phone randomly starting vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out of my pocket to find it constantly restarting. It would do the little color flash thing for about 30 seconds, then freeze and go straight to the google logo and repeat the process again.

I'm a little ticked as this is a 300$ phone. Anyone have any ideas what's causing causing this. I have seen my phone restart randomly before too. Think I should make Verizon replace it?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Hey everyone. Last night while I was out to dinner my phone randomly starting vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out of my pocket to find it constantly restarting. It would do the little color flash thing for about 30 seconds, then freeze and go straight to the google logo and repeat the process again.

I'm a little ticked as this is a 300$ phone. Anyone have any ideas what's causing causing this. I have seen my phone restart randomly before too. Think I should make Verizon replace it?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

No. It's a wifi bug that seems pretty common. I've had issues too. Was your wifi on??? I'm willing to bet this was it because it is exactly what happens to me.

If I leave my house with my wifi still on, as soon as I get out of range from my home wifi connection, it begins bootlooping and never getting past the boot animation. At this point I have found 3 options to fix: 1.) Get back in range of the wifi and it returns to normal. 2.) Get out of range of ANY wifi connections, which is difficult nowadays. As soon as your phone boots up, race to turn off the wifi power IMMEDIATELY or else it will reboot after a minute or two. 3.) Wipe your phone.

I also had this happen once when trying to connect to a public wifi network. Don't know why but it began bootlooping the very moment I turned my wifi power on. Had to get out of range of all wifi to get it to work again.

Its a pain. I wholeheartedly recommend rooting it, backing it up, and trying some ROMs. Back up for sure jsut in case you are forced to wipe to get it to work again. Check out ROMs because I'm not sure if this issue has carried over to them or if this is a "stock only" bug.

Hope that helps.
Thats exactly what happened. Because as soon as I got home from the restaurant my phone booted up normally. It kept restarting until my phone was back in my house. Do you think they will ever release an update to fix this?
I sure hope so! It's pretty damn annoying. I actually got lost the other day because it decided to do this when I had to go to a meeting for work in "undiscovered territory" (at least, for me). I tried to connect to wifi in the building and it immediately began bootlooping. Didn't want to wipe it, so had to rely on my my memory to get back to my office. 45 minutes later, I found myself right where I started when I left the meeting. LOL

But, back to your question, I would think they are aware of this. I've noticed several threads in other forums about this issue. Seems pretty common.

Its a new device running a new OS. There are going to be some quirks. I'm confident that within another month or so, we will see a good bit of them worked out via updates or, at the very least, custom ROMs. Gotta love the Android community and the developers taking care of us!
I don't know whether or not my WiFi was on but my phone has restarted twice in the past two days. A lot of bugs to be worked out Google, Samsung, and Verizon. Let's get to it. Do they read these forums? They should.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Did it start rebooting after you downloaded a new app?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums