Phone virus or phone cloned?? Need some help please.


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Jun 24, 2012
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My wife's phone (D1) is going crazy. It opens apps, internet, etc. Makes selections on google maps. It is like someone else is controlling the phone. The screen goes up and down like someone is scrolling and it enlarges the text so big that you can't use it. I don't know if it has a virus or if someone cloned the phone. Her phone is a stock D1. I haven't rooted it yet.

So have any of you ever run into something like this before. I have deleted all the trash games my kids put on there. I don't know if she or the kids down loaded some game that they gave privileges too or what.

If I root it using rsd lite and superoneclick do you think that would solve anything??

Please let me know she has all her work contacts on it and needs the phone to be functioning correctly.

Thank you all for the help.
That is definitely strange. Have you done a factory reset? That would be one of the first things that I would try!
I had the same problem with my D1 and nothing seemed to help.
I used RSDlite, Factory Reset, multiple wipes, etc. and it was like it had a mind of its own.

Apps would launch on their own, the touch screen became non responsive and in general my only option was a new phone.

I hope you have better luck.
Man haven't dealt with a D1 one in many moons...

Does this happen only if it's plugged in to the charger? I recall that there was some issues with D1s and faulty cables that would cause the phone to have a mind of its own.

Although it's uncommon it may be a virus. Try one of the virus scanners off the market, I don't use any so I can't recommend. The next thing I would do is a factory reset, but have your wife check her google account to make sure all the contacts have backed up before doing so, just in case she added someone before it decided to backup the contacts.

Just rooting it won't solve your issues. Now if you flash a ROM after rooting it, then it may solve it.
That is extremely strange. My only guess would be some stupid app got permissions that it wasn't supposed to. I'd say factory reset, or sbf using RSD back to stock. Since she needs all the contacts for work and a functional phone it wouldn't matter wiping everything, since all the contacts are backed up to a goog acct.
My daughter has had this happen on a droid incredible and a droid 2. I factory reset them and all but nothing fixed them. I finally tracked it down to her putting them in her back pocket. I guess the pressure on the screen when she would sit finally caused a section of the screen to always act like it was being pressed. the incredible I could twist the phone a bit and it would stop for awhile, the d2 the capasitive menu bottom doesn't work and at times it will act like its been pressed out of the blue.
My daughter has had this happen on a droid incredible and a droid 2. I factory reset them and all but nothing fixed them. I finally tracked it down to her putting them in her back pocket. I guess the pressure on the screen when she would sit finally caused a section of the screen to always act like it was being pressed. the incredible I could twist the phone a bit and it would stop for awhile, the d2 the capasitive menu bottom doesn't work and at times it will act like its been pressed out of the blue.

This may be a loose connection inside, one of the ZIF connections. It could also be where the ribbon cable for the ZIF connector meets the glass of the digitizer. Just ONE trace of the connection that's loose could cause multiple section failures.

In earlier LCD displays they used to use a carbonized rubber strip which was designed with alternating sections of conductive and non-conductive rubber to make the connection between traces on the board and the rear of the LCD displays. At times the phones would warp or twist slightly and sections of the display would function abnormally. A light pressure on the bottom or top edge of the phone would cause the display to work entirely normal again for a while...this is similar to the symptoms you are experiencing so this is what lead me to that hypothesis.
My wife's phone (D1) is going crazy. It opens apps, internet, etc. Makes selections on google maps. It is like someone else is controlling the phone. The screen goes up and down like someone is scrolling and it enlarges the text so big that you can't use it. I don't know if it has a virus or if someone cloned the phone. Her phone is a stock D1. I haven't rooted it yet.

So have any of you ever run into something like this before. I have deleted all the trash games my kids put on there. I don't know if she or the kids down loaded some game that they gave privileges too or what.

If I root it using rsd lite and superoneclick do you think that would solve anything??

Please let me know she has all her work contacts on it and needs the phone to be functioning correctly.

Thank you all for the help.


The touch screens on the D1 (and D2, and to a lesser extent, all Capacitive Touch Screens) are especially vulnerable to water or other conductive material down along the edges of the glass front. I have seen exactly what you are experiencing after water seeped down the side of the screen between the glass and the metal surround on both my D1 and my D2. Food particles, conductive dirt, finger oils, any number of other materials can cause this.

If you have a very large magnifying glass look closely along the edges of the glass where it meets the metal and see if that seam is clean or all buggered up with gook. If it's dirty, take a piece of paper and gently slide the corner of the paper into the slot and then slowly drag it from one corner of the display to the other along all 4 flat edges, and when you get to the end, slowly pull out the paper and look at all the crud that comes out with it.

After cleaning that way, I would then take the same paper and drop a little alcohol on another corner of the paper that's clean and do the same thing to get the last of the crud out. I'll bet that's all the problem is being caused by.
I had the same problem with my D1 and nothing seemed to help.
I used RSDlite, Factory Reset, multiple wipes, etc. and it was like it had a mind of its own.

Apps would launch on their own, the touch screen became non responsive and in general my only option was a new phone.

I hope you have better luck.

I just threw away a D1 that started doing this (on battery, not only while plugged in) - after 4 factory resets and a complete reflash with the SBF file, I drew a conclusion - the capacitive touchscreen was dead.
FoxKat, how do you know all this stuff? You are a walking encyclopedia.

Sent from my DROID RAZR Maxx using Droid Forums
Thank you very much to all. I plan on using several of your suggestions.
Thank You so much. I appreciate the quick responses.

Glad I found this forum. Great people and very helpful.

I have been soaking up technical information since I first learned how to read. I LOVE Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, Discover Magazine...essentially anything technically oriented, I'm like flies on honey over it. I am also very mechanically inclined, so I've been disassembling all manner of electronic and mechanical items since I was about 9. I had a shop in my basement that my step-father built me under the stairs, with my own light, work bench, and door - with a lock!! I used to spend most days in there tinkering and building, disassembling, learning and exploring, then reassembling and testing.

My mother used to joke to her friends that I could take something apart that didn't work, fix it, put it back together and it would work, and I'd have "unnecessary parts" left over! LOL!> Truth is, she wasn't far off.

I am still like that today, but now I'm not left with parts remaining once something is back together.

I replaced the digitizer and camera on my D2, so I am very familiar with the internals. I've also had many a phone apart in my past when working for a cellular phone dealer. I am actually a former Bell Atlantic Mobile Agent, so I've been in this a LOOOONG time. I held and used the original Motorola 8000X phones, and before that "bag phones", and before that car-installed phones. In fact, I was one of the first in my region to have a phone installed in my car when I was an insurance agent for MetLife. I was the envy of all the Insurance Agents I worked with since they only had pagers...I had a mobile office.

Most importantly, I LOVE this stuff and I guess it shows. I am so at home here, and with the tremendous membership we have here, you included, I am learning more every day. I get my greatest joy out of helping others and spreading my knowledge so everyone can benefit, but sometimes I am off...and when someone corrects me, I am humble and gracious. I never want to be conveying wrong information, so in a situation where I am not sure, I'll spend hours researching the right answer, before I open my mouth (or type on the keyboard as it may).

Thanks for the complement, but the knowledge I have is only that which I have gleaned from all the resources available to me since I was born (perhaps with some of my own deductions), so in effect, I am a product of my environment, and like my environment, I wish to nourish all that is around me like I've been nourished.
Thank you very much to all. I plan on using several of your suggestions.
Thank You so much. I appreciate the quick responses.

Glad I found this forum. Great people and very helpful.


Please keep us informed. I think your phone is ripe for saving. I love my D1 and still use it now as a glorified remote control for FIOS, my ROKU SoundBridge, my SONOS system, and for basic fun and exploring at home on WIFI. My D2 has become my son's PSP in effect.
I just threw away a D1 that started doing this (on battery, not only while plugged in) - after 4 factory resets and a complete reflash with the SBF file, I drew a conclusion - the capacitive touchscreen was dead.

Time to dumpster dive...I'll go with you! We need to save that baby from the crusher~~!! :biggrin:
FoxKat, how do you know all this stuff? You are a walking encyclopedia.

Sent from my DROID RAZR Maxx using Droid Forums

P.S., it doesn't hurt that I am a very fast touch-typist as well...:biggrin: I can type at close to 60WPM and do so while looking behind me. I can also read upside down and backwards (in a mirror). LOL!

Strange me...