Photos taken with your Galaxy Nexus Thread


Staff member
Premium Member
Oct 11, 2010
Reaction score
San Jose, CA
Current Phone Model
Pixel 3 XL
Post pictures in here taken with your Galaxy Nexus! :cool-b:

I'll be posting some a little later...
pretty nice. On a side note, how do you like the app? Was considering getting it
The camera is decent. It's nowhere near as good as the Rezound though, that camera is fantastic. For everyday use, this will work just fine for me. I have noticed though, you need avery steady hand to get a sharp pic. Any amount of movement will cause motion blur. I think it has to do with the instant shutter. Because it captures/processes the pic the moment you touch the button, any movement is magnified a lot more. Here's a few pics:

NOTE: I have noticed that pics look much nicer and the phone, and sort of blah on a computer screen. That AMOLED really makes that colors pop!

And the same pic after playing with a few of the built-in edits

I like the camera. It takes pictures that are really good for the every day user. A majority of people will upload them to facebook anyway and this camera is more than plenty for that. Anyone with a DSLR is a photo guy anyway an should not be concerned with the camera on their cell phone as their primary anyways. I love the camera on the phone but true that you have to be still... might be hard if i am out late and there is a beer in my hand. :wacko: lol