Pictures won't show and music won't play when unconnected from computer...


New Member
Aug 21, 2010
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So I just recently got my Droid 2... Plugged it into the computer and used V Cast Media Manager to put pictures and music onto my phone. Now when I try to use the camera, the pictures save as blank and the music says this type of file isn't supported. It will play the music when connected to the computer but not otherwise. No clue what to do, as I'm very new to this. ANy help would be appreciated.
Well, I'm probably no help, because I've never even heard of V Cast Media Manager. But I do have a ton of music & Audio Books and pictures on my Droid. I simply drag and drop them on the Sdcard. I made a file named Pictures and one name music. I told the music player, Mixzing, to only look in Music for material. I make sure all music, including the books, are in mp3 format.

Good luck with your issues.